Go Back To The Roots
It's that feeling when the world stop moving so fast; it's you and the grass; it's you and the trees; it's you and the fresh air; it's the birds flying together as a flock; it’s the purity of the earth working wonders on your physical and mental health. It’s a time where you can let the earth love you and you embrace it in return. Have you ever noticed that the second you let yourself be enveloped by nature, you cannot help but feel lighter and smile..
No matter how bad my health was, I always knew, as did my family, that nature would be a part of my healing process. Wherever I am, I search out the mountains, the sea, the forest, anywhere where I can be surrounded by nature where I would smile. Nature has helped heal me in ways that I can't even explain.
We are so lucky to be able to turn to nature as part of our healing. Our souls are uplifted and inspired by nature. I love walking in the countryside or along the beach, watching the sun rising and setting, listening to the waves, watching the birds, admiring the beauty around me and becoming enveloped in its peace. It is a time to escape from computer screens, focus on ourselves, breathe clean air and appreciate the wider universe.
Of course, if the sun is out, there is also the additional benefit of our body using natural sunlight to produce Vitamin D, an essential bone-building vitamin and thought to help reduce inflammation and control infections.
Bringing nature into your home also has a calming influence. Some plants can even have air-purifying qualities such as spider plants, ferns and peace plants. Other plants such as jasmine are though to help reduce stress and promote sleep.