What Is Pilates?
What is pilates?
Joseph Pilates (1883-1967) developed a unique holistic method of exercise originally known as contrology, a particularly apt name in my point of view, as the exercises focus on learning to control movements and increase body awareness. The exercises are not aerobic and are low intensity, with an emphasis on developing the core muscles and flexibility whilst focusing the mind and on breathing correctly.
Over the years, contrology, now known as Pilates, has evolved to include variations of exercises that can be adapted to suit the varying needs of different individuals.
Both Reformer Pilates, practiced using reformer beds and other equipment for resistance and Mat Pilates which uses your own bodyweight and gravity, offer similar benefits to the body. One or other or a combination of both may suit different individuals better. Mat Pilates has recently grown in popularity as these exercises can be carried out at home and in your own time period with plenty of online classes available and you do not need to pay to attend a studio to access the equipment. However, attending classes can offer you exercises structured to your own specific needs and supervision and advice on how to correctly execute the exercises.
“Through the Pilates Method of Body Conditioning this unique trinity of a balanced body, mind and spirit can ever be attained. Self-confidence follows.”— Joseph Pilates